What word Urology Specialists About Men's Health

6 facts about penis size and potential you did not know

The man can talk about soccer match winners for hours, but could not remember their grandmother's birthday, and this is very common. This is equivalent to what happens when discussing the main source of male pride. They believe existed, but did not fully understand the structure and do not even know why looks like it. Today we will discuss how you can improve the function of your penis.

Dr. Wei Cheng
Urology Specialists, Ph.D. (Medical)
1. The size of the penis is less than 16 cm

Dr. Wei Cheng:

16-18 cm is the normal size for men with a good genetic profile. The larger the penis, the greater chance your child to inherit it and vice versa. In addition, the length of the penis which is more fun for women. Long penis can massage the A-spot inside the vagina and can make a woman orgasm many times.

In addition, it has been proven by scientists that in the wild man with a longer penis has a greater chance to impregnate a woman. This is because the male sperm cells to reach the egg faster.

There are many products available to enlarge the penis size. However, among those products Erogenix is the most effective and affordable. In addition, this product can be used at home. It is a wholly natural product containing the active components have a positive effect on the vascular system. This product strengthens the corpora cavernosa, making the penis so 5-6 cm long and 3 cm thick. Rapid blood flow ensures stable erection and sexual intercourse with a long duration.
2. The penis begins to diminish in men over the age of 25 years.

Dr. Wei Cheng:

This is true! These are now often seen in smokers. Nicotine and tar constrict blood vessels so that the negative impact on blood circulation. This, in turn, makes the penis become shorter and significantly worsen erectile compared with men who did not smoke.

3. Erection become weaker with age men.

Dr. Wei Cheng:

Age-related Impotence is a myth. Various external factors other than age to be the cause of erectile dysfunction in men over the age of 45 years. These factors include unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol abuse, and low levels of physical activity. All these factors cause vascular problems that lead to weak erections. And when a man getting older, she could completely lose its ability to maintain an erection.

4. The penis enlargement surgery makes it into an artificial organ:

Dr. Wei Cheng:

Penis loses sensitivity and ability to maintain an erection in 40% of cases. Although the risk of injury is very low, this kind of surgery is a major operation, so the risk of damage to the nerve endings quite high. In addition, a long recovery period. I think you should just accept the type of this kind of operation in extreme situations - like when your penis length of less than 5 cm. To overcome all the other problems I recommend the penis enlargement methods without involving surgery.

The use of products enhancing sexual potency Erogenix guarantee:
  • Penis enlargement up to 5 cm even when the penis is not erect
  • Intense orgasms that last up to 30 seconds thanks to the increased sensitivity of the penis
  • Increasing the duration of sexual intercourse to 3-fold
  • Erection instantly
  • Increased mobility of sperm cells
You can order Erogenix only in the official manufacturer's website only
5. The average duration of sexual intercourse is 26 minutes

Dr. Wei Cheng:

However, not all men can do. If a man orgasm in 5-10 minutes, this time period is not enough for a woman to reach orgasm. Unfortunately, nearly 70% of men only strong sex no more than 15 minutes.

6. The time it takes healthy men in order to be ready for sex for the second time was 1 minute.

Dr. Wei Cheng:

This is true. A healthy man can be ready to go back to having sex two times in just a few minutes. The problem here is that only a few of us were completely healthy. So if you feel that one is enough for you, this is no reason to feel sad or moody but an excuse to conduct a thorough medical examination. The sooner you realize it the higher your chances of recovering. I recommend you to visit the specialist urology, sexual health professionals, and specialist cardiology. In addition, you also have to perform an ultrasound of blood vessels.

Teng Pang:
Earlier I do not know if the operation can be bad. I long ago stripped for surgery. Fortunately there just to stop!
Anita Rashidin:
I just found out about this! It turned out that my ex not only have a small penis (only 14 cm) but also a bad gene. Ko means I broke him!
Wee Ng:

Support from me to Erogenix. This is a great product! You can see the results :)

Indra H:
Extraordinary! Awesome. I know we can enlarge our own penis. .
Yong Kang:
I am happy to be completely healthy. I am 61 years of age. All the men of my age has long become impotent or should take Viagra. Unlike them, my wife and I can have sex 1-2 times each day without the use of any stimulants.
Herman Hutabarat:
Cream to enlarge the penis is really cheap! Steady true!
Hadi Napitupulu:
Yes. I booked a lot to make sure the product is effective.
Rini Lauria:
Great! I hate it when a guy so lackluster in 3 minutes and can not go.

Here's what I use Erogenix. This is indeed a classy product! Powerful!

Then how if you've enlarging the penis of 10 cm so 14 cm? And I had to wear Erogenix. What next? Have I still smallness: ((((
Vishnu Harahap:

Stop whining and continue using these capsules in 2-3 months. Previously I also have a small penis. With a little patience I get what I want. I wish I had a photo of me.

Lei Tan:
Uh oh! That means I have to go to the doctor. My wife blames me for having lived together for 20 years he did not make me horny again.
Now I can relax. Turns out I men really normal
Dr. Wei Cheng:
I wonder if these doctors have a 18 cm penis? Mine was only 11 cm in length and I've had three healthy children. My wife is beautiful. As a man, want to ask for?
Andi Gumilar:
Are you sure your wife is happy with you in bed? I want to hear his opinion :)